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Cyber Security

Mobilex works closely with customers to create a defense-in-depth approach to cyber security.

Mobilex has been advancing technologies of the Internet of Things, Services and People (IoTSP) for more than a decade. As opportunities of the IoTSP evolve, so too does the need to be protected from cyber security threats.

For us, protection of the IoTSP's interwoven systems of information technology and operational technology is central to the company’s strategy. No single solution can keep increasingly interconnected systems secure, so Mobilex works

with customers to create a defense-in-depth approach where multiple security layers detect and deter threats – if, where and when they may arise.

Our tools generate alerts based on suspicious activity to detect and define progressive attacks, which may be lurking in your data. Mobilex has designed, developed, and implemented secure systems and interfaces using security protocols such as Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML), Web Service Security, Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Enterprise Security API (ESAPI).

Mobilex recommends and implements a Defense-in-Depth methodology with multiple layers of security from the network up through all tiers of the application. Our expertise includes important security technologies and protocols for Identity and Access Management, secure data, and message transport and vulnerability management.



Security is an ever-present concern for governments. As technologies mature and become more complex, and interconnectivity increases, the risk of security breaches rises. Addressing security issues is no longer limited to infrastructure responses. Instead, security issues must be dealt with by embedded systems, as vulnerabilities at the level of applications are a major threat faced by organizations.

Mobilex has worked as a security partner for governmental institutions, assessing core applications, processes and infrastructures. Working to industry standards and best practices such as ISO 27001, ISO 20000, OWASP, Business Continuity Management and enterprise architectures, we are able to assess the security issues of systems in real-world contexts and provide cutting-edge solutions. Our security services cover:

•   System security assessments
•   Security testing
•   Vulnerability impact analysis
•   Digital information security

Future proof your IT systems with PKI and Digital Signatures

To keep any sensitive data secure, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Digital Signatures are necessary technologies at the very heart of your IT-systems. Combining Mobilex’s robust and versatile products with other technologies, your own or our partners’, makes for highly efficient solutions, able to secure your entire organization, cloud, social, mobile or Internet of Things (IoT) system.

We provide digital security products to help protect your IT solutions or entire organization from fraud, counterfeit, piracy and interception.

Certificate Manager is a flexible and scalable certificate authority (CA) software portfolio, which enables you to issue and manage electronic identities (eIDs) for people, software and things.

Public key infrastructure (PKI) has proven to be the most cost-effective and secure way of implementing security solutions for authentication, digital signatures, and encryption. At the heart of all PKI solutions is a certificate authority (CA) software.

Certificate Manager can issue all kinds of digital certificates, as well as manage the whole lifecycle of the certificates.

The certificates ensure the trustworthiness of the eIDs, which can be used to secure corporate network access for your employees; secure online access for customers, partners or citizens to your web services; automate work processes; enable communication between trusted devices; and digitize identity documents such as passports, drivers’ licenses, and national IDs. eIDs for people, software and things can be stored in, for example, mobile phones, smart cards, data files, trusted platform modules (TPM), and hardware security modules (HSM).

Certificate Manager key features include:

•   Multitenancy, which means that several different certificate authorities can use the same instance of the software to implement several parallel,

     private eID solutions.
•   Support for multiple use cases, for example, issuing and managing employee identities, citizen identities and infrastructure certificates.
•   The trust service components Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Responder and Timestamp Server.
•   Support for all major certificate enrollment protocols, such as SCEP, CMP, CMC and EST.
•   Standard integration with the identity and access management (IAM) software


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